My fellow founders and I co-founded a NLP (Natural Language Processing) AI healthcare accessibility startup that connects patients with their healthcare providers in a simple intuitive manner that gained traction of over 1000+ unique visitors in a two-day time frame. We’ve orchestrated the concept and executed it with a robust full-stack application that allows users to communicate with their health care providers via a seemingly endless SMS and Web App pipeline. We’ve established LEAN principles, rapidly launched a B2B SaaS product tailored for local healthcare providers, and participated in a pitch deck to 100+ people and healthcare companies., built with Node.js, Firebase Firestore, Twilio, and deployed to Firebase Hosting.

The Founders Photo

I served as the technical co-founder of our startup (that’s me on the far right), where I was the lead engineer who orchestrated the live web services for this startup. I was responsible for leading my other fellow technical co-founders to build and launch into the interwebs and inject data analytics and sign-ups for potential users of our targeted market. With my technical knowledge, we’ve got thousands of visitors to our site, as well as a few dozen sign-ups of our startup idea within two days.

For our minimum viable product, I’ve designed and implemented a semi-automated two-way messaging prototype system for healthcare providers and envision its implementation with AI in the communication pipeline, to provide productive tooling services for healthcare providers. This was during the Pre-LLMs era of humanity, so GPT systems were non-existent or just secluded only in Academia and research. However, the thought of integrating NLP and AI, and the rise of deep learning was at its peak in Industry, I truly believed in an AI-driven world, and artifacts like chatGPT would be prevalent far in the future. So, I decided to pave that future.

My fellow co-founder was very into healthcare, and she believed in a messaging platform that could be trustworthy, intuitive, confidential, and easily customizable to meet the specific needs of a patient. This vision arises due to her personal experiences navigating around with her doctors and the lack of accessibility revolving around communications around their health. While I was not experienced in this domain, I was intrigued by that vision, so I gladly took the opportunity to help with the technical aspects of Cair, our newly formed AI-driven healthcare accessibility startup.

During this experience, I learned the nuances of being within the tech startup ecosystem. It is the result of naturally having a problem within your field of work, and designing a solution to such problem, then figuring out a business model for that solution. As a technical co-founder, I’ve often had to translate our strong technical ideas to the general audience. Even more so, I learned how to accumulate a mass influx of users, and market software correctly and quickly.

View Source On Github: cAIrrier