Jeraldy Cascayan


Artificial Intelligence , Software Engineering , Game Development , Startups


Languages and Frameworks: SQL, Rust, Typescript, Python, React, PyTorch, Scikit-Learn, Pandas, Numpy

Toolsets/OS: Git, AWS, VSCode, Jupyter Notebooks, Jira, Gitlabs, Linux, Docker, Kubernetes


University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI

B.S., Computer Science (expected Fall, 2024)

2019 - Present


Student Coordinator, AI4ALL

Coordinated the 2024 AI4ALL Ignite program

  • Coordinating 20+ Students to develop AI Projects and fostered an inclusive learning environment
  • Fostered an inclusive learning environment through the complexities of AI project development, from conceptualization to execution

2024 - Present

Software Engineer Research Content Developer, Sci-MI

Commandeering a team to craft and convey inspiring Software Engineering research content

  • Conveying Software Engineering research content, inspiring high school students towards scientific careers and academia, championing diversity and educational equality in STEM

2023 - Present

Software Engineer Intern, Kuure

Contributed to the orchestration of an early phase healthcare e-commerce startup

  • Restructured e-commerce webpages from Wix to MERN Stack with Redux in Typescript and Sass, optimizing page speed by 10% along with responsive web design
  • Communicated in bi-weekly code reviews, stand-ups, and requirements document to discuss development build

2019 - 2019

Data Science Intern, Purple Ma’ia Indigenous Accelerator

Assisted in startup workshops, promoting tech entrepreneurship in indigenous communities

  • Architected a data-driven market research Web App system using React for front-end, with Firebase/Python/Node.js back-end automating data collection via Selenium web scraping
  • Assisted startup workshops for 25+ Hawai’i indigenous founders of the 2019 cohort to kickstart tech entrepreneurship deeply rooted in Aloha ʻĀina, using technology to innovate community development, agriculture, and green energy

2019 - 2019


Hack4theSea Hackathon Winner, Hack4theSea

Secured 1st Place in a marine-themed hackathon competition


The 8th e-ICON World Contest Winner, Korea Ministry of Education

Won 1st Place in an international technology and innovation contest


NASA IRTF Recipient, Maunakea Scholars

Awarded Research Time for the NASA Infrared Telescope for my research in near-earth asteroid and artificial intelligence integration


AFA CyberPatriot Gold Tier, Air Force Association

Achieved Gold Tier status in a national cybersecurity competition



Available upon request