Jeraldy Cascayan


I am studying for a B.S. in Computer Science in the Department of Information and Computer Sciences at the University of Hawaii. I expect to graduate in Fall, 2024.

Interests: Artificial Intelligence, Software Engineering, Game Development, Startups

Projects 2024

Co-engineered a B2C Manoa's Gym Social Hub.

Meteor Fullstack MongoDB React

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Music Generating Transformer 2023

A Classical Musical AI Composer @ AI4ALL.

AI4ALL Deep Learning NLP PyTorch Python Generative AI

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Co-founded a B2B AI-driven Accessibility Healthcare Startup.

Natural Language Processing AI Javascript Fullstack Healthcare

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The 8th E-ICON 2018

International Winner Among 19 National Teams.

Unity C# Android Augmented Reality

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Software Engineering is a System

08 May 2024

Software engineering is a complex system with many different components that define a software product. When I was a boy, I used to watch my father, an engineer, meticulously piece together lines of components that seemed like alien to me....

Software Engineering Software Process Software Construction Software Architecture

Natural and Artificial

27 Apr 2024

I. Introduction The role of AI in education, broadly, provides a pivotal point in how I interact and engage with learning materials. AI provides an interface to allow me to be a self-directed learner, allowing me to infer through Socratic...

Software Engineering Artificial Intelligence

Patterns and Patterns

25 Apr 2024

Imagine an engineer working on various projects, each requiring the assembly of parts in some way. The screw becomes a fundamental tool, adapting to different needs—whether securing a delicate component in a watch or bolting together heavy machinery. Despite the...

Software Engineering Software Construction Programming

The Framework Fanatic

20 Feb 2024

Why Bother? Why bother to wield a tool, when the hands alone can shape and create? Why bother only on the hands, when tools can achieve precision and complexity beyond the reach of fingers? Why bother to seek the path...

Software Engineering Artificial Intelligence Game Development

Knights of The Code Table

08 Feb 2024

We All Follow an Ethos We all follow an Ethos. In every walk of life, every profession, and every pursuit, there lies an underlying ethos — a set of standards and principles that guide our actions and define our craftsmanship....

Software Engineering Software Construction

The Nature of Inquiry

24 Jan 2024

The nature of inquiry is quite a fascinating pursuit. We, by definition, are animals that explore and exploit information regarding everything and anything within the bounds of our senses. We seek the truth about everything. Such a process entails the...

Software Engineering Collaboration

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